"A Weaving Good Time"2025 ConventionMarch 13-16, 2025There will be no charge for extra hours at the 2025 NCBA convention. This means that you may take as many classes as you want for the cost of registration only.
Convention is held at the Sheraton Imperial Convention Center by Marriott in Durham, NC. This is a wonderful, self-contained facility. Everything is under one roof, and you will find it a wonderful way to convention! Book your rooms early, as they do fill!
If you want to read more about convention, here is a little more information. See the latest copy of the Reeder's Report, our quarterly newsletter, for more convention information, and of course, our convention brochure! These are available to members, and are mailed in November.
Photos of previous conventions:
Convention 2016: "Dreamweavers"
coordinated by Cathy Lehman
Convention 2015: "Weaving In NC"
coordinated by Jeanette Miller
Convention 2014: "Basket Collector II
coordinated by Juanita Carreon
Convention 2013:"The Case for Baskets"
coordinated by Katie Lake
Convention 2012:"The Woven Journey"
coordinated by Judy Wobbleton
Convention 2011: "A Basket Tradition"
coordinated by Jean Lovelace
Convention 2010: "Celebrating Baskets!"
coordinated by Jeanette Miller
Convention 2009: Baskets, Naturally!
coordinated by Nancy DeVries and Pamela Zimmerman
Convention 2008: My Baskets and Me
coordinated by Bill and Charlene White
Convention 2007: Weaving Friendships
coordinated by Judi Swaim and Lynn Schroeder
Convention 2006: 20 Years of Weaving with Friends
coordinated by Pamela Zimmerman
Convention 2005: That Which You Share
Coordinated by Lyn Siler & Judy Wobbleton
Convention Report by attendees
NCBA Convention 2004: Basket Collector
coordinated by Juanita Carreon
Report of convention 2004, by attendees.
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