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NCBA Convention 2006
Photos page 3

Thanks to master photographers Christina Bragman and DeVonna Mathis, who took the bulk of the photographs seen here, and to Lynn Hoyt, Maggie Silva, and Pamela Zimmerman for additional shots.

Click on any photo to make a larger photo open in a separate window.

Volunteers Bill Taylor and Royce Parman staff the Volunteer Raffle Table

Louise Riggs makes difficult choices with her volunteer raffle tickets

Penny Coates working on "Helen's Basket"

Leo Roberson, perennial volunteer, and past coordinator Brenda Elshof

Serenia Barnes shows off her pretty fretwork purse

Susan Legaj in the "Marsha's Choice" class

The base is supposed to be this big.

Wanda Borrelli is pleased with her "Arabesque" basket

Zoe Crane isn't baffled at all by Elaine Robson's "Covey Oval-Imperial" basket

Julie White and Linda Rolfe compare notes on their magazine racks in Karen Griffith's class

Bill Newman's students appear to be happy with his class

Janie Jones, she who usually wins many raffle prizes

Jane Bradsher from the cold and snowy tundra of Roxboro (where it never fails to snow at Winter Weave-in time!)

Jimmie Kent teaching one of her Hilltop baskets

Paula Hunter from San Antonio, TX in a pretty hand-stitched apron. Do you think she'd like to make one for everyone next year?
More Convention Photos

Copyright © 2005 North Carolina Basketmakers' Association, Inc. All rights reserved.