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NCBA Convention 2006
Teacher Market Photos

Thanks to master photographers Christina Bragman and DeVonna Mathis, who took the bulk of the photographs seen here, and to Lynn Hoyt, Maggie Silva, and Pamela Zimmerman for additional shots.

Click on any photo to make a larger photo open in a separate window.

Teacher Market is on Friday night, and is one of the highlights of convention!

Three-hatted Alma Lambert edits the Reeders' Report, taught at Convention, and coordinated the Teacher Markeplace. Busy gal.

Keynote Speaker Vladimir Yarish and his stateside "coordinator" Ann Harrow

Denise Arzberger has plenty of merchandise for her customers

It's always nice to see Bill Allen, if only once a year at Convention

Dee Johnson tries to get Pamela Zimmerman to tell her which of the baskets in the swap is hers.

Board member, teacher, and vendor Candice Williams

Susan Cooper and her high rent district Nantucket birdhouse

The very lovely Deanna Savoy. Or is that Vanna White? Nah, Deanna's better.

Cathy Cupp seems to LOVE vending!

DeVonna Mathis holding some of Barbara McCormick's sweetgrass baskets. Unless she starts wearing sloppy denim shirts like the rest of us, this woman's registration just might get lost next year!

Dianne Masi and Dory Maier, the gourd twins

Donna Jones and Reba Vincent have been shopping.

Venie Hinson and her nice (so we are told) husband

Timothy and Bonnie Gale. But where are the rest of the line dancers?

The South Carolina contingent included Dolores VonRosen and Elaine Harmon.
More Convention Photos...Teachers Market, Page 2

Copyright © 2005 North Carolina Basketmakers' Association, Inc. All rights reserved.