Lynn Schroeder and Judi Swaim thank Scott Lovelace for another job well done.
Jettie Fulton and Lorraine Otto take time out to smile for the camera
Ellen Hart and Jean Ann Finley weave another great convention basket
Lisa Reid works on a woven footstool
Dot Huffman and Christy Truluck show the joy of being at convention!
Judi Swaim, Vendor Chair Jimmie Kent, and Lynn Schroeder
Judi Swaim, Juanita Carreon and Lynn Schroeder are all smiles
Joanne Yates organizes the much-anticipated Basket Swap on Friday night
Lisa Reid and Mavis Fairchild made appreciation baskets for the hotel staff
Tina Russell, Raffle Chair, breaks from selling tickets to weave
Our Raffle Volunteers have the system down! Here they line up with items for tickets to be drawn
Then Brent Russell, our own stand-up comedian, reads the winning names...among other things
Still buzzing from convention? Want to wallow in it a little more? If you have your convention booklet handy, or just want to try your memory, here is a Crossword Puzzle (pdf format, Adobe Acrobat Reader required) with 2007 Convention Clues (complete with solution.) Enjoy!